We have prepared a lot of interesting and useful events to help you find your dream job or develop your career. Regardless of your professional level and experience, you will find plenty of opportunities for growth and development here.

Main Events of the Fair

Virtual Company Stands

Visit the virtual booths of leading employers to learn more about them, their vacancies and corporate culture. You will have the opportunity to interact with company representatives in real time, ask questions and get instant answers.

Company Presentations

Each participating company will give a presentation to talk about their projects, mission and career opportunities. This is a great opportunity to learn more about potential employers and decide which company is right for you.

Webinars and Master Classes

Participate in educational webinars and masterclasses that will help you improve your professional skills. Topics include tips on resume writing, interview success, personal growth and career development.

Career Counseling

Get one-on-one advice from experienced career counselors. They can help you develop a job search strategy, improve your resume, and prepare for interviews.

Networking Sessions

Attend networking sessions to connect with other job seekers and employers. This is a great opportunity to share experiences, learn about new trends in the job market, and find like-minded people.

Contests and Drawings

Participate in various contests and prize drawings. This could be a contest for the best resume, drawings for gift certificates or other nice bonuses from our sponsors.

Mentorship Programs

Sign up for mentoring sessions where you can get advice and guidance from experienced professionals in your industry. Mentors can help you understand how to best develop your career and what steps to take to achieve your goals.

Our career fair provides a unique opportunity to meet representatives from leading companies, learn about new career opportunities and get valuable advice on how to develop your career. We are confident that this event will help you take an important step towards success.