Job fairs are events where you can find jobs you didn’t even know existed. The event allows you to learn the skills needed for specific positions. Employers can also learn more about your skills and determine how you might fit into their organization. Human resources departments often use job fairs to find their next employees.

Job fairs can be large or small gatherings. The organizers place booths for different companies in one centralized, neutral location. Employers or recruiters stay in their booths, and candidates go from booth to booth to talk to recruiters. Many employers set up their own booths to hire individuals. During the event, candidates can ask recruiters about their organizational culture and application process. Many job fairs offer on-the-spot interviews, during which candidates find jobs instantly.

Ways to update your resume for a job fair

Follow these tips to create a resume for job fair companies so you can stand out and make the best impression:

  • Make a list of participating employers in advance and research their requirements and needs. Make sure you do your homework and have some knowledge of the company’s history;
  • Focus on your job objectives and tailor your resume to meet them. Bring multiple versions of your resume to the event. You can create several different resumes for the different companies you’ve researched, but consider also preparing a generic resume to keep your options open;
  • Make your resume short and concise so that the employer can check your qualifications faster;
  • Bring additional documents with your resume, such as a professional portfolio or letters of recommendation.